It is hard to believe that third term has already come to an end and the last term of the year is about to start. As always, this has been a very busy term and I hope you enjoyed reading the items about some of the wonderful activities, trips, camps and sporting events that our students have undertaken, in the school newsletters which you have been receiving every term.

Parent-Teacher Communication

Communication with class/specialist teachers is welcomed and strongly encouraged. Appointments are preferred as this provides everyone with opportunity to plan in advance and make the contact more valuable.

Parent/Teacher interviews are important to discuss student progress and are conducted twice annually. A comprehensive written report is sent to parents at the end of second term and at the end of the fourth term.

In week two of Term 4, school will organize parent teacher interviews. Please don’t forget to book these interviews once the link is sent to you.

NAPLAN results

NAPLAN results will be sent home in mail shortly. Please have a look and you are welcome to discuss them with your child’s teacher if further explanation is needed.

Homework Expectations

Reading - Every night, please read a book and feel free to share a home book with your child or their school book as children like to hear a variety of stories. Please fill in the Reading Journal. Log in to Reading Eggs and share the books/activities/spelling activities you have been allocated by the teacher. Encourage children to read with meaning. Show them how to find word meanings using a dictionary (hard copy or using a search engine). Always ask questions to check their understanding of the text read.

Maths - Teachers will advise on the topics that children are learning so you are able to extend this at home, counting things around the house and when you are out and about. This will support your child with the concepts of numbers, shapes and money.

Log in to Mathletics and work on the allocated activities to support your children’s learning. After completing assigned tasks, students can work on the Maths topics of their choice.

Times Tables - Your class teacher will advise you of the ones that need to be learnt in your year group.

Daffodil Day Fundraiser

With support of staff members, students and parents, we managed to raise $270 for the Cancer Council of Australia and I hope it will make a difference in supporting families who are fighting against this deadly disease.

Have a relaxing, refreshing and safe holiday! Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and help.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Teaching and Learning Coordinator